讀Math MPhil, ug 讀math基本上係最低入場費
方法係你第時拫住報名程序報名, 當中最緊要既係兩封教授推薦信
咁講報名就間間大學唔差太多, 都係前一個學年既一(HKU)二(CU)月咁上下dead.
當然可以報中大, 其他U都得, 不過永遠係自己department就相對容易, 因為自己department會相對熟悉自己既學生....prof都係
同埋中大MPhil MAT好似都收得好勁, 因為CUHK Mat.....
但係申唔申請到就冇人講到, 因為一睇GPA(呢個仲好講), 二睇你封reference letter, 三睇prof's research interest..........仲有research postgrad真係review case by case, who knows? What I can say is that, 你有報既資格lo.
你入係入6901, 但係你有major, 咁樣你會上多好多mathematics既course, 理論上你可以識佢地d prof, 其實咁講啦, 你可以當6901 major in maths, is a maths major program, and this will not be affected by the 理科聯合收生新制.
最重要既係, 做FYP (Final Year Project), this is a project that give you a chance to follow a certain prof's research, and learn more what research is. In addition, this is a main way in HKU for finding a prof 收你讀MPhil (this is very important, MPhil student need to have a supervivor, same as PhD). Moreover, this is also a chance for one t review oneself is suitable for research postgrad or not.
Another not that important issue is that, you should take more course than required if in need (>78 credit in Mat), and take course according to your research interest. For example, if you plan to develope in pure mathematics, you should take more course in analysis, algerba and......; if you want to do applied maths, need more like ODE, numerical analysis and things like that.
參考: Own Experience