
2008-06-18 9:10 pm
Haematite (Fe2O3) 有冇可能只係heating去爆Fe出黎?

書寫 Haematite 要同 C 一齊燒先可以出Fe

但係如果,我用極高溫去燒 Haematite,有冇可能爆到 Fe 出黎?

極高溫 (我指的極高溫係真係好高溫,我諗溫度係冇上限,所以有幾高溫就得幾高溫) 有冇可能將所有 ionic bonds 都打爆?

請唔好 consider 其它 facters,如金錢 (用電去keep住咁高溫) 、資源 (咩野既container去hold住舊咁高溫既Haematite)


回答 (1)

2008-06-19 5:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
iron is a reactive element.
consider the iron iii oxide is reduced to iron by heating only.
the iron formed will readily react with oxygen to form
the iron oxide again. so the oxide cannot be reduced by
heating only. it can be reduced by heating with carbon.

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