
2008-06-18 8:25 pm



回答 (4)

2008-06-26 2:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
以你以上既資料, 根本唔足以去判斷!
睇一支結他 2 手價範圍係幾多,應該取決於 :
1. 咩牌子
2. 邊個年份既出品
3. 用咩物料
4. 原價幾多 ( 當然唔排除 2 手有機會貴過 1 手, 例如係特別版既結他)
5. 保養得好唔好

如果你話原價係 $900, 我諗佢都唔會係咩大牌子或者名貴野,
9 成新連袋的話,大約 $5xx - $6xx 都算叫合理

2008-06-25 18:51:42 補充:
如果何以, 最好講埋邊個牌子同model 名黎聽下
2008-06-21 6:25 am
2008-06-19 7:35 pm
2008-06-18 8:44 pm
Depends on which brand, what type of strings (metal line v.s. fish line)

For a $900 dollars guitar, I guess it should be made in China

You should check whether it is damaged or not, also need to check whether it is 走音

You should go to Tom Lee or Parsons to look at those Guitars and note their price.

If everything is in good condition, I think the most reasonable price should be around 60% to 70% of its original price.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:42:48
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