
2008-06-18 8:02 am
關於ABC commission的case, 只是想提你, 我們只是根據ABC指示代收commission, 實際上, 不是支付給我們的!


Thank You Very Much!

回答 (9)

2008-06-18 8:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
With regard to the case of ABC commission, just as a reminder, we only acted on the instructions given by ABC to receive the commission for and on their behalf. If fact, the commission was not meant to be paid to us.
2008-06-19 2:40 am
We would like to remind you that for the case of collecting commission fee for ABC, we are just acting according to ABC’s instruction. Actually you are paying commission to ABC through us.
Thank you for your understanding.
參考: Myself
2008-06-18 9:50 pm
ABC commission on the case, you just want to mention, we only collected under the instructions of ABC commission, in fact, not pay us!
2008-06-18 6:31 pm
Concerning the case of ABC commission, just want to lift you, we indicate collection commission according to ABC, don't pay actually to ours!
2008-06-18 5:30 pm
Please be kindly reminded that, regarding the ABC case, we are receiving the commission on their behalf based on ABC's instruction, which we are not the actual payee / beneficiary .

beneficiary = 受益人,受惠者
payee = 收款人;領款人;受帳人

2008-06-18 09:30:57 補充:
on ABC's instruction = on ABC's instruction
參考: myself
2008-06-18 11:06 am
I just want to remind you about the ABC commission case. We are only acting upon ABC’s instruction to collect the commission on their behalf. As a matter of fact, the commission is not collected for us!!!
2008-06-18 9:33 am
不如又簡單又直接咁寫啦.. 避免重覆..
Option (1)
Regarding the commission, please be reminded that we collect it on behalf of of ABC but not for us.
Option (2)
Regarding the case of ABC commission, please be reminded that we collect it on behalf of ABC but not for us.
Option (3)
Regarding the commission, please be reminded that we follow the instruction from ABC to collect it on her (英式用"her") behalf.
其實, 系唔系用the case of ABC commission, 就睇你自己, 不過,
你實際可以唔洗用. 而我個人比較喜歡Option (3). Anyway, 你自己決定啦

參考: 英文ok啦 - 自己
2008-06-18 9:03 am
Regarding the case of ABC commission, I just wanted to remind you that we are just collecting the commission on the behalf on ABC but actually you are not paying to us.
2008-06-18 8:20 am
In respect to the ABC commision's case, we want to remind you that we received on behalf of ABC only and the commission is not to us.
參考: myself

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