Do you hve kids?????

2008-06-17 6:45 pm
how many?
how do you feel bout being a parent?
whats their sign?
whats their parent sign?
and whats your sign?

回答 (11)

2008-06-19 12:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
NO, I don't have kids right now. I really want one so badly. I'm able to have kids, I just haven't gotten around to doing so. I'll be 28 in December so I really would like to start a family before I'm 30. I love kids and think I would be a great mother.
I can't wait until I can experience pregnancy for the first time.

I'm a Sagittarius
2008-06-17 7:00 pm
I have three kids. Two boys and a girl. I don't follow the signs, but their birth months are April, October, and March (respectively). I love being a parent. My sign is Aquarius. I also have two beautiful grandchildren, a boy and a girl. Their birth months are October and March (respectively). I love it that you know how to use their, there, and they're.
2008-06-17 6:51 pm
No..only 16.
Im Cancerr.
2008-06-18 1:31 am
No kids yet but I'd love to have no more than 2 once I'm finish college (in which I'm in my senior year now) and well-established. I'd say when I'm about 27 and that is if I'm married. I'd like to be married when I decide to have kids. My mom is a Scorpio, my step-dad is a Cancer, and my biological dad is a Gemini.
參考: Proud Scorpio!!!
2008-06-17 8:36 pm
no kids yet. Maybe one day.

I do have one dog. She is sort of my kid.
Me? Virgo
2008-06-17 6:54 pm
I have 3 kids.
I love being parent. My daughters are my best friends.
They are Cancers and Geminis.
My sign is Cancer.
2008-06-17 7:01 pm
yep 1 only but i had it when i was 8 years old i made amystake
2008-06-17 6:50 pm
I dunno
I dunno
I dunno
2008-06-17 6:56 pm
nope, but i plan on having a girl and a boy
i would be the coolest mom ever
2008-06-17 6:54 pm
not yet(only 16 going on 17)
I'm hoping 2 someday might be twins
I don't know yet
I don't know yet
aries =]
參考: mii =D

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