How to convert 6 hours, 32 mins in seconds?

2008-06-17 8:38 am

回答 (13)

2008-06-17 8:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-06-17 4:49 pm
1 hour = 3600 seconds
1 minute = 60 seconds

6 hours and 32 minutes
= 3600 x 6 + 60 x 32
= 21600 + 1920
= 23520 seconds
參考: Online Conversion
2008-06-17 3:53 pm
6 hours 32 min = 360 + 32 min = 392 min
392 min = 392 x 60 sec = 23,520 sec
2008-06-17 3:47 pm
To do this, you turn the hours into minutes, and then the sum of minutes into seconds.



You take the 6 hours and multiply it by 60 to get 360 minutes, which you add to the 32 minutes to get a sum of 392. You multiply that by 60 to get 23,520.

2008-06-17 3:46 pm
Convert the hours to minutes:
6 * 60 = 360
Add the minutes
360 + 32 = 392
Multiply by 60
392 * 60 = 23520 seconds
If you didn't want to use a calculator to do that, you can make it easier for yourself:

392 * 60 = 60(400 - 8)
= 24000 - 480
= 23520
2008-06-17 3:46 pm
60 Sec in a minute.
60 min in an hr

6hrs= 6 x 60 x 60 = 21600 sec
32min = 32x60= 1920 sec

Total = 23520 sec
2008-06-17 3:43 pm
6 hours = 360 minutes = 21600 seconds
32 minutes = 1920 seconds
total = 23520 seconds
2008-06-17 3:43 pm
Well, first let's convert those hours to minutes. As 60min=1hour, then
360min=6 hours

So 360+32=392 minutes.

As 1minute=60 seconds, then
392 minutes=23,520 seconds
2008-06-17 3:43 pm
(6 x 60 + 32) x 60
2008-06-17 3:42 pm
1 hour = 3600 seconds
and 1 minute = 60 seconds
=> 6 hours + 32 minutes
= 6*(3600) + 32*(60)
= 21600 + 1920
= 23520 seconds

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