
2008-06-18 5:56 am

回答 (2)

2008-06-18 10:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think NZD 纽元 can go up to 6.17 at most as US will tighten interest rate as early as the end of this year, on the other hand, New Zealand will cut rates in 2008. NZD 纽元 might find difficult to go further up, beyond 6.17. I suggest you to sell NZD 纽元 at that level. In general, 奥币上纽币就一起上, but sometimes they are not, this depends on fundamental factors for the 2 countries.
2008-06-27 8:34 pm

去到這階段, 風險頗高. 但既然已入了, 而且息率高過美元5厘以上, 有防守性. 但建譏你定期到期後, 如果見好就要即收. 祝你好運.

我去年中已全線沽出外幣獲利, 之後再升也由得它們了, 不會再跟入.

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