My Hobbies

2008-06-18 4:10 am
我英文要口試....題目係my hobbies...請各位人兄幫幫忙

回答 (2)

2008-06-18 4:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
frist: You should said Hello,Good morning!to teacher
second: You should said Today I will tell you my hobbies...
third: You can said your hobbies (good of to said TOW hobbies)
four: You should said what ,when ,why,who,how and what do you learn at
these hobbies
five:You should said This is my presentation.Thank you!(If your English 口試 is presentation(介紹),you can said this conversation)
2008-06-18 4:50 am
All you have to to is to speak up. Think about a hobby that you really know (as simple)and try to explain it's good point and weak point.
For example, your hobby is swimming. All you need is to bring out the good point, such us good to your health, your figure will become slim and tall, you can win a prize, you have fun and it is easy to learn, you can swim and with your friend. It's weak point is you need to bring your swimsuit and it is really a burden. If the climate is bad, you can't go to swim. You will be very tired after your swimming lesson.
Lastly, tell how often you go swimming and when/where you go swimming.
If you still have time, you can also mention who will go with you too.

Hope it can help you.
參考: me me me

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