
2008-06-18 4:03 am

回答 (2)

2008-06-19 10:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Last time l also faxed to 幸工門 and they didnt reply. l used Japanese to make the reservation la. Still no response. As the time we went there are not peak season, we just took the bus and contacted 幸工門 in the toursist information centre. No rooms available in 幸工門 and but we were lucky to find rooms in other 民宿.

l think you better fax the form to them again. lf you do not receive their reply for another few days, try other 民宿. Here is one 民宿 using English and people you may receive reply from them.
參考: my experience
2008-06-18 8:15 am
http://www.shirakawago-kataribe.com/ 我都係睇到話要 fax or 打電話預定.我都係其他網到揾唔到此民宿,唯一方法係打電話.

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