There little pig(2 mins)(急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

2008-06-18 2:10 am
three little pig

回答 (5)

2008-06-18 3:14 am
I think you want the story talk about "Three Little Pigs" for around two minutes. Below is a draft for you :

Once upon a time, three little pigs lived in a forest. They were brothers and they planned to build their houses for their own.

Eldest pig was lazy. He wanted to build his house as fast as possible so that he could have more time to sleep and play. He used dry-grass to build his house because dry-grass is light and easy to move. He is the fastest one to build a house.

The middle pig built his house with wood. Although he could not build as fast as the eldest brother, he was very satisfied with his wooden house.

The youngest pig was decisive and well-planned. He did not want to be eaten by wolf in the forest. He decided to build a house that was strong enough to protect him. Finally, he used bricks to build his house. It took longest time for him to finished his house.

One day, the three little pigs met a wolf in the forest. They were frightened and ran. The wolf chased after them. The three little pigs went into the grass house. The grass house was collasped in a few minutes by the wolf. The grass house was too weak for the wolf. They ran quickly into the wooden house and locked the door. This time the wolf could not break into the house for half day. Lastly, the wolf brought an axe and hit the wooden door heavily. Fortunately, the three pigs just quited the wooden house from the back window, when the wolf broke the door down.

Lastly, the three pigs got into the brick house. The wolf hit the door with axe heavily again. The youngest pig pressed a button behind the door. Suddenly, a bucket of hard rocks felt from the roof and hit the wolf. The wolf was hurt and ran away. They were safe utlimately.

Finally, two new brick houses were built by the elder little pigs.
參考: Me, hope it helps
2008-06-18 3:03 am

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2008-06-18 2:40 am
First, you should read about the story:

Once you have finished reading it, you should be able to tell the setting (Who are the characters? What are they trying to do?), the problem (What is the situation that the three little pigs face?), the climax (What causes you to continue to read the story? The fox/wolf? The way how they build their houses?), the resolution (How did the pigs defend their houses from the fox/wolf?), and the ending (What happened at the end?)

By answering the questions above and chaining your answers, you should also be able to summarize the story in about 40 words.
2008-06-18 2:18 am
2008-06-18 2:12 am
three little pigs

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