
2008-06-17 11:47 pm


回答 (2)

2008-06-19 3:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
早晨, 你好!
Hello!! Good morning, sir!

我的名字叫…我之所以申請此職位, 因為我有信心我能夠升任。我在會考中取得5科合格, 而且有5年在某公司工作之相關經驗。
My name is (full name) . I applied for this post of salesman because I’ m confident thatⅠcan make a good job. I got 5 passes in HKCEE and I have 5 years’ relevant working experience in XXX Company.

I have a good command of spoken English and Portungua. So, I feel confident that I can communicate easily with foreign or mainland tourists.

My outspoken personality is also an advantage for me. I am fond of speaking to people from different walks of life.

我積極進取的學習態度亦都有助於作為推銷員的工作。 我相信, 「永不放棄, 我得到」。每次當我成功說服到顧客購物, 我都會感受到一份難以形容的滿足感。
I’ve got a positive learning attitude which is very important for being a salesman. I always believe this --- never give up, I can make it!!! Every time when I successfully convince a customer to buy our products, I get a fantastic feeling of satisfaction that is unbelievable and inexpressible.

總括來講, 我渇望能接受此挑戰, 能夠成為你們的一份子。我希望能夠得到一個機會去證明我的能力。我承諾會揭盡所能, 做到最好!!
In short, I am eager to take up this challenge and be part of your company . I hope that I can be given this opportunity to prove my ability. I promise I will do my best in my post.

如果我被取錄, 我有信心將會係一個雙贏的局面: 你們能找到合適的人選, 而我就找到合適的工作。
If I’m selected for the post, I’m sure it will be a win-win situation : you get the right person for the post and I get the right job for myself.

1)只求清楚表達你的重點, 一定要係你自己作的說話, 你自己的所持的想法, 易記易明。所以以上的例子只供參考。
2)不用太長篇, 發揮得流暢, 有信心, 就可以了!
3)目的係令面見你的人感受到你有充足準備, 有誠意去見工。你要真心, 用心去準備, 因為在有經驗的主考面前, 誠意是假裝不來的。
參考: 你可以參考http://www.police.gov.hk/offbeat/756/eng/ , 看一看是否有面試時合適的用詞!
2008-06-18 1:23 am

My name is (your name), I am here today to interview for the post of (job you are interviewing for). I have been working as a (job title) for (number of year) years. My main job duties in my previous jobs are (………………………)

For my education background, I was graduated from (high school name) with HKCEE results (XXX) and then I went to (University or other business school) and graduated with ( what kind of result : like Degree or Diploma, etc).

During my leisure time, I like to (say some about your hobbies, like swimming, traveling, reading)
參考: myself

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