請問以下句子應用什麼tense 去表達

2008-06-17 5:15 pm

若現在是今天早上時份, Mary今天對John 說她昨晚應承John今晚去看電影的事有更改,那麼Mary 應用什麼tense 說這句包括昨晚、今時及今晚的句子喔?

又如果換了Peter 對John 說Mary那昨晚的說話,那又應用什麼tense?

應如何譯: 1. Mary 對John 說:「我昨晚應承你今晚去看電影,但我下午要回公司工作,不能去了。」 2. Peter對John 說:「Mary託我轉告你知,昨晚應承你今晚去看電影已取消了,因為她要回公司工作。」

回答 (2)

2008-06-17 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我諗咁啦,我直情作 Mary 應該講o個句話你睇:
I promised to go to the movie with you this evening, but I'm sorry that we need to go another day because.... So I can't go this evening.
1.就咁講述一件舊事,講明時間,應用 simple past
2.未來之事,時間已定(如時間表上寫明、假期邊日開始),唔需要用 future tense,而係用 simple present(e.g. The next bus comes at seven.)
3.現在,當然係 simple present
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
第二部份中文都睇唔明添...mary 同 john 講o既o野,點解係 peter 同 john 講o既?
是但啦,當係「mary 要 peter 向 john 轉達約會取消」,總之其實係複述,就係用 reported speech。而 reported speech 係同事件時間有關,唔係一概轉做 past tenses。以呢度o黎講,如果未到本來約會時間,可以咁講:
John, I know Mary agreed to go to the movie with you this evening, but she said she cannot make it because.... She wanted to fix another day with you.
Mary o既決定係舊事,用 simple past,其他同上面一樣。
如果 peter 因事遲左通知 john 呢:
Mary had asked me to tell you that she could not make it to the movie with you. I know, she had agreed to go with you. But I could not come in time to tell you. I'm so sorry! But she had said she would like to fix another day with you.
以 mary 失約為舊事o既參考時間,舊過呢件事o既,用 past perfect。
2008-06-17 7:11 pm
present tense.
Mary今天對John 說她昨晚應承John今晚去看電影
Today,Mary said she can't watch movies with john tonight.

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