cheapest accommodations in Vancouver?

2008-06-16 5:21 pm
Other than hotel, are there any hostel , motel and bed and breakfast that I can find in Vancouver. I want to stay near the airport or Richmond. I plan to stay for two night. From 26/7 to 27/7 and 30/7 to 31/7. We totally have 6 persons.

回答 (4)

2008-06-16 5:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you'll find anything near the airport quite expensive.
The YWCA Hotel is good and cheap, though it's in town, not out in Richmond: <>. But it's way more interesting than Richmond, and getting to the airport is actually pretty quick anyway.
2008-06-18 8:26 pm
Executive Inn Express Airport LOWEST RATES... GUARANTEED!
Book online or call 1-800-224-6835 should be around $109 per night per room. Check on website, it will give you all the rates and locations you need.
2008-06-16 5:39 pm
If you want close to the airport you might want to try the howard johnson they are the only ecno priced in that area but most places do not allow 6 people in one room so you will need more than one room
參考: Travel agent sabre
2008-06-16 5:31 pm
Richmond, VA?

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