nds 玩玩下自動關機..... 求救

2008-06-17 5:21 am
我部nds 唔知咩時玩玩下會自己熄機...
玩靈光守護者 又會自己熄...
不論新舊game 都會無啦啦冇先兆咁自己熄機......
我有定期update 內核......

我試過格式化張卡... 都冇用
我將r4 放係另一部機又冇事...

回答 (2)

2008-06-17 8:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
我諗有80% 係壞左
如果你有兩部機 不如再試下 另一張R4擺落部機度玩
如果冇 咪交換d save黎玩
如果問題持續出現 就要拎去整架喇

幾多錢!?唔知道 因為唔知道你壞乜野
但係如果你保養仲係度未過期 就肯定唔使錢
2008-06-17 12:13 pm
I have 5 point! 1.IS your NDS have more than 50% is broke 2.U have to think do u drop the NDS or make it broke!3. your batter is die 4. U do not have batter 5.Some time is the Game have something Worng!!If u cheak it is not all this stuff u have to find some one to fix it!!Hope i can help u!!
參考: By my mind

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