friction along inclined plane

2008-06-17 5:11 am
A block of mass 1.5kg decelerates at a rate of 5m s-2 when it travels up a rough included plane which makes an angle of 20° to the horizontal.

Assume that the friction between the block and the inclined plane is constant. Which of the following statements are correct?
(1) The normal reaction acting on the block by the plane is 14.1N.
(2) The frictional force acting on the block by the plane is 2.37N.
(3) The block stops on the inclined plane when it reaches its maximum height.

A. (1) and (2) only
B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)


Answer: A


but decelerate唔係應該 -5嗎?

回答 (3)

2008-06-17 5:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
When the block is moving up, it is subject to two retarding forces,
1. the weight component acting downward parallel to the inclide plane. The force is 1.5g.sin(20) N = 5.13 N (where g is the acceleration due to gravity)

2. the friction force Ff, which also acts downward along the plane.

Thus, 5.13 + Ff = 1.5 x 5 (net force = mass x acceleration)
this gives Ff = (1.5x5 - 5.13) N = 2.37 N
which is the result given in statement (2)
Statement (1) is correct.
Normal reaction = 1.5g.cos(20) N

Statement (3) is not correct.
When the block comes to rest at the highest point, the weight component acting downward along the plane is 5.13 N

But frcitional force is only 2.37 N, which is insufficient to balance the downward weight component (notice that the friction is now acting upward along the plane, attempting to prevent the block from sliding down). The block thus begins to slide down.
2008-06-17 5:40 am
why a= 5 but not -5
2008-06-17 5:29 am
我會揀 ( A )

(1) normal reaction = mg cos 20
= 1.5(10)(cos 20)

F net = ma
mgsin20 + friction = 1.5(5)
friction = 2.36969785 N


(3)錯,因為mgsin20 大過 frictional force

thus,有net force,所以去到max. pt.會趺返落黎=)

我諗係咁樣做掛 , 如果錯既就話返比我知啦=]

2008-06-16 22:28:05 補充:
因為 a= -5個負係指方向,

if block向右行係 take +ve

所以向右減速=向左加速 , thus, a= -ve

但係你個friction 同 mgsin20都係向左面施力,

then向左加力 就take左 -ve

所以你可以咁睇 :


-(mgsin20 + friction)=-7.5

mgsin20 + friction = 7.5

Thus, 最後都係一樣=]
參考: 自己

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