IS 科學 急!!!!

2008-06-17 3:55 am
1.許多時,冰的熔點未必是0 度.這是由於冰內含有 a 或溫度計的 b 低所致.
2.物質的沸點會隨氣壓的 c 增加而減少.
3.水和酒精由 d 的粒子組成.
4.人工製造了 e 約種原子.


回答 (3)

2008-06-22 3:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
a salt
b error
c decrease
d liquid
e 20

Q5. As there is no air in the glass, the air pressure (atmoshpere pressure) "push" the card and prevent the water to come out. That is the same as when you are opening a can of water, you need to make 2 holes on the can or else its hard to pour water out from 1 hole.
2008-06-26 10:38 am
a 應是雜質(impurity)。除了鹽(salt)之外,其他雜質也可以降低冰的熔點。
b 應是準確性(accuracy)。「誤差(error)低」是一個莫名其妙的答案。
c 應是強度。「隨氣壓的減少(decrease)增加而減少」是另一個莫名其妙的答案。
d 應是微細(tiny)。粒子沒有固體粒子、液體粒子、氣體粒子之分,只由氣體的不同狀況而決定物質狀態。若果酒精由液體(liquid)粒子組成,哪麼低溫時的固態酒精呢?高溫時氣態酒精呢?
5 要弄清楚,題目中沒有提到卡紙(card),答案中的卡紙何來?
2008-06-18 12:57 am
Question 1-4 is not clear, please tell us what you want to ask.

2008-06-17 16:57:30 補充:
Q5. As there is no air in the glass, the air pressure (atmoshpere pressure) "push" the card and prevent the water to come out. That is the same as when you are opening a can of water, you need to make 2 holes on the can or else its hard to pour water out from 1 hole.

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