你可以同時間上LSCD(練波)又上Private或group(學波),一星期內打多幾次.LSCD 要來練波就好,
合資格的網球教練 - HKTA coach, ITF coach , USPTA coach or USPTR coach.
Private -
Better find the ranking above C or NTRP 4.5, and have coaching experience.
The National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) is the official system for determining the levels of competition for USTA League.
可以到 HKTA website 持牌教練資料庫(including some USPTA coaches):
Level 1 is the lower level, Level 3 is the best, but charge more.
Or USPTA HK website(only USPTA coaches)
Victoria Park around $400, 但康 文 署 康 體 通 提 供 30 日 內 預 訂 場服 務, 大部分時間已經無晒.