英文轉校信怎様寫 ?

2008-06-17 1:42 am

請各位家長可否幫一幫忙 , 因為是寫比校長的原故

(所以寫英文信比較好些) ,

而且又要有禮貌及要表達出女兒有能力入讀該校 ,

這封轉校信應怎樣寫 , 懇幫各位幫一幫忙 , 萬分之謝謝!

回答 (1)

2008-06-17 10:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Principle,
Letter to change school at 2008/09 School Year
I am the parent of Mr XX XX XX, He is studying Class 1X in XX XX XX primary school at 2007/08 School year. I am writing to request to change other school to further my son's study at 2008/09 School Year, please kindly receive my requests and take your follow-up action. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Thank you.
xx th June 2008

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