
2008-06-17 12:14 am
exothermic, bond of product is stronger than reactant

回答 (2)

2008-06-17 1:35 am
✔ 最佳答案

Answer of the question:

If the bonds of the products are stronger than the bonds of the reactants, the products would possess lower energy content than the reactants. In other words, the reaction involves the change from high-energy reactants to low-energy products. Therefore, excess energy is released, and the reaction is said to be exothermic.

很多人很難接受一個真確的概念:化學鍵愈強,它所含的能量愈低。(The stronger the chemical bond, the lower is its energy content.)

原子(atoms)和離子(ion)相距無限遠時,沒有化學鍵(chemical bond)形成,系統所含的能量為 0。而當它們形成化學鍵時,化學鍵所含的能量是負值(negative values)。

原因是任何化學鍵的本質(nature)都是正電荷(positive charge)和負電荷(negative charge)之間的吸引力(attractive force);離子鍵(ionic bond)的成因是陽離子(cation)和陽離子(anion)之間的吸引力;共價鍵(covalent bond)的成因是共用電子(shared electrons)與鍵合原子(bonding atoms)的原子核(atomic nuclei)之間的吸引力;而金屬鍵(metallic bond)的成因則是離域電子(delocalized electron)與金屬原子的原子核之間的吸引力。在物理學(Physics)上,涉及吸引(attraction)的能量是負值(negative value),而涉及排斥(repulsion)的能量是正值(positive value)。

化學鍵所含的能量是負值,所以愈強的化學鍵,它所含能量愈負,也就是愈低。因此,最後的結論就是:The stronger the chemical bond, the lower is its energy content。

2008-06-17 12:24 am
Bond energy 係指用 how much energy 去 break the bond.
所以 form bond 時 release energy 越多, 就變得越低 energy, 就要absorb 越多 energy 才能 break 番個 bond.

2008-06-16 16:31:07 補充:
所以 bond of product stronger 即係要俾多 d energy 去 break the bond.

2008-06-17 15:25:13 補充:
其實唔駛諗得太複雜, 只需要記住:
bond energy 係指 你要付出的 energy, 而並非真係有 energy 儲存在個 bond 裡面.

Bond energy 越 strong, 你要付出的 break bond energy 就越多; 亦即係個 bond 本身越低 energy, 你先至要付出咁多 energy 去 break the bond. Right?

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