
2008-06-16 10:30 pm

回答 (2)

2008-06-18 1:01 am
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定義: 中醫稱血瘤,起源于中胚層,是先天性毛細血管增生擴張的良性腫瘤,多在出生時或出生 後不久發生。隨年齡而增大,到成年停止發展。
病因: 屬先天疾患,為皮內毛細血管擴張增生,血管內皮細胞增生及血管畸形所致。
臨床表現: 臨床上分為鮮紅斑痣,單純性血管瘤,海綿狀和混合型血管瘤四型。

鮮紅斑痣:又稱毛細血管擴張痣或葡萄酒樣痣,常在出生後不久發生。以枕部, 面部多見,多為單側,偶發雙側,一般不超過正中線。嬰兒期生長快,以後發展 緩慢,達到一定程度就不再擴大,有些可以自行消退,較大或廣泛者可持續終生。
單純性血管瘤:又稱毛細血管瘤或草霜狀瘤,表現為一個或數個鮮紅色半球形柔 軟而分葉狀腫瘤,多在出生時或出生後3-5周出現,生長速度快,在部分在1歲內 長到最大限度,可消退,少數並發海綿狀血管瘤。
海綿狀血管瘤:常發生在皮下和粘膜下,可深達肌層,多在出生時或出生後不久 發生,好發于頭部和面部,損害為紅色、紫紅色、深紫色,呈扁平狀、半球形、 結節形,不規則形,指頭大至雞蛋大,邊界清楚或不清楚,觸之柔軟似海綿樣, 壓之縮小,去壓後恢復,增大時可破潰或繼發感染。
診斷: 出生時或出生後不久發生大小不等鮮紅色或紫紅色的新生物。

單純性和海綿狀血管瘤:可用淺層X線照射,小者用二氧化碳激光或液氮冷凍, 大者可手術切除。
皮質激素:瘤體增大不適宜手術者,可用醋酸強的龍局部注射,每周1-2次, 縮小後減量。


2008-06-17 12:34 am
Disease name: Hemangioma of Skin symptom 1. bright red colors spot
moles: Smooth but a shape not purple red mottling, usually appears in
the forehead or the face. Generally grows to the certain feces and
urine stops developing, but also may the lifelong existence. 2.
strawberries shapes angioma: The bright red size one but smooth soft
does not swell the block, the shape is similar with the strawberry,
common to the face, the pate or the four limbs appears. The major part
patient voluntarily abates in 5-7 year old. 3. angioma cavernosums:
Shape size not one breaks out the mottling, the quality of material
likes the sponge, the color may be same with the skin color perhaps
assume bright red, the garnet, pale purple or the purple blue color.
Common to face or four limbs. The angioma can fast voluntarily grow,
but can grow along with the age but gradually stops expanding and
possibly voluntarily abating. The origin angioma is, usually after the
patient which creates by the congenital blood capillary proliferation
is born now and then is born soon then appears. The prevention method
skin angioma belongs to the congenital disease, at present is unable
to prevent. Although the angioma possibly can voluntarily abate, but
early seeks medical help, may avoid the tumor continuing to expand
affects the patient outward appearance or causes the illness
complication, affects the bodily function. The method of treatment
angioma tradition method of treatment excises, the electricity
including the surgery congeals, the radioactive treatment, the isotope
treatment and so on, but the shortcoming is can create the scar. The
modern laser technology may reduce has this situation, therefore
commonly used to treats the face the angioma.

At present most important is asks skin faculty doctor which Hong Kong
registers to diagnose and the treatment (public or private may), again
looked the situation uses any method of treatment quite to be

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