~徵文~ [[英文]]

2008-06-16 7:51 pm
Tittle :
1- Ways to be healthy 變得健康ge方法
2- If I were thr Cheif Executive 如果我係特首

大約150字 唔洗多

= =" 唔該短少少 150字.... 唔要400字-口-"





回答 (3)

2008-06-16 9:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Ways to be healthy
Most people say that they want to have a healthy life, but some of them have a wrong conception, which is thin is healthy. It is wrong to say that thin is healthy, to obtain a healthy life, we must to have the followings condition:

We need to have a balance diet. Most people do not have a balance diet because the healthy foods are not delicious and tasty, so they may be lack of some vitamins, e.g. people do not eat fruits, then they will not have sufficient vitamin C.

We need to do more excercise. It is because excercising can help out to lose all the fat that we don't need. Most people do not have enough excercise becasue they have to work or study, they don't want to use the remaining spare time to do any excercises. It is no good to our health.

We need to eat timely. It is because eating timely can make our body to get rid of the working time, if we do not do that, our stomach cannot sustain the non-routine eating schedult, then we have stomache

2008-06-16 13:39:06 補充:
To conclude the above points, we need to have a balance diet, enought excercise and timely eating schedule, if we can those things, then our lives will be more healthier.
2010-01-17 10:24 pm
It is too many typing mistakes !You can u check in the Word file .It can help u to correct the wrong spelling!
2008-06-16 9:37 pm
Ways to be healthy

How to be healthier? This ia a common question in the society. People always hope to be healthier but they just can't find an answer. I think being healthy is very simple.

First of all, physically, have a regular timetable. Have regualar meals and enough sleep every day. Drink at least 8 cups of water and do exercises evry day. Keeping your boday fit can help you to become healthier

Second, psychologically, be optimistic! Try to smile every day. Be positive when facing challenges. Talk to others if you feel depressed. Having a happy mind can make you life to be healthier.

Third, you should know how to release your presuure from studies, peer or work,etc. Develop some good hobbies in your life, like hiking, drawing,etc. It can help you to boost up your self-esteem.

To conclude, having a healthy life is important. Starting from today onwards, you should carry out a plan to make your life healthier!

2008-06-16 13:38:37 補充:
REGULAR! typing mistake!
參考: all by me!

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