搵外籍老闆簽文件, 點用英文同佢講???

2008-06-16 6:03 pm
搵外籍老闆簽文件, 點用英文同佢講???

回答 (7)

2008-06-16 8:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
搵外籍老闆簽文件, 點用英文同佢講???

Verbally: These documents need your signature for confirmation. 不用多講.

In writing: Dear Mr. Chan, these documents need offical signature for confirmation, kindly sign before 3.00pm today. Thank you.

最多加一句: This is for accounts dept. (or sales, shipping dept etc)
一般情況下, 內容己說明一切, 多講便當你老闆是白痴(joking).
參考: Own
2008-06-18 6:24 pm
If the boss has daily working relationship with you and you are familiar with each other, you may write a short note like

"Dear Boss,

For your signature, please.


and stick a "post-it" note right beside where he should sign.

If the boss is the big shot (very senior) or the document is an important one, your short note may contain a bit more key information, e.g.

"Dear Mr. yyy,

Re. the sales contract with Company Z which involves a sum of $xxxxx. Graeful if you could sign on the page(s) marked with a flag.

Best regards,
參考: experience
2008-06-18 6:15 pm
Good morning/afternoon/evening, Mr./Ms. XXX, would you pls. sign on this document.
2008-06-16 9:42 pm
Good morning/afternoon XXX(The way you call your boss)
Here are the documents which need your signiture
would you mind to spend some time to have a look on it
2008-06-16 8:11 pm
Hello, my suggestions as below:

1) Dear Mr XXXX, could you please sign this document for my follow-up?

(你可否在這份文件上簽名, 以便我跟進之用?)

2) Dear Mr XXXX, could you please sign these document for me before lunch time?


3) Dear Mr XXXX, please give me approval & signature on this document which will be sent to Sales Dept in the afternoon today.

(請你覆查及簽署這份交件, 以便於今天下午送交予營業部的。)

Thank you.
2008-06-16 7:37 pm

Hello, my suggestions as below:

1) Dear Mr XXXX, could you please sign this document for my follow-up?
(你可否在這份文件上簽名, 以便我跟進之用?)

2) Dear Mr XXXX, could you please sign these document for me before lunch time?

3) Dear Mr XXXX, please give me approval & signature on this document which will be sent to Sales Dept in the afternoon today.
(請你覆查及簽署這份交件, 以便於今天下午送交予營業部的。)

Thank you.
2008-06-16 6:15 pm
Mr. xxx
Would you please sign this document for me ??你可不可以在這文件簽名?
Would you please sign this document for me before lunch time / within 2hrs ??你可不可在午飯前/2小時內簽好這交件?

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