Dog cancer, treatment and the following matters.

2008-06-16 11:52 am
My 7 years old female doggie was discovered to have cancer few days ago. She may live for only few more weeks. I'm so frustrated and I have been crying everyday since when I think about the things will happened to her. If anyone has experince dealing with dog cancer, treatment and other related experince, please contact me here or msn at [email protected]

What is the hardest part now is, mentally I'm preparing the death of her while she is still look so pretty and healthy. She is my beloved...

回答 (3)

2008-06-18 12:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sometime is hard to be accept what will happen to your beloved. I got a friend, her dog had the same problem, she spent a lot of money and try to kept it alive! Yes, the treatment or surgery may only make it lives little bit longer,but on the other hand, it may suffer more pain which we don't know. I will suggest you to spend more time with her while you can, take more picture of her! I think she doesn't want you to be sad also! I understand is hard, take care of her and yourself.
2008-06-27 12:53 am
Hi there, thanks for your msg. You have your point. Suffering isn't good at all but we will sacrafice part of it in this case. We want Blackie and us fight this together. We know she won't live for many months or years.
2008-06-19 12:01 pm
Hi there, thanks for your msg. You have your point. Suffering isn't good at all but we will sacrafice part of it in this case. We want Blackie and us fight this together. We know she won't live for many months or years.

2008-06-19 04:01:36 補充:
However, we want her to try before we will say "give up" to the cancer. I'm not sure if I can watch her in too much pain by then. But mentally, we will be positive and fight.If we just give it up now, she will not live longer than 4 months.

2008-06-19 04:01:50 補充:
She will suffer as well and it's all too sudden and I believe she doesn't even know she is sick now. I would do it if I was the one to have cancer as well.

2008-06-19 04:01:56 補充:
We hope she will stay a bit longer, but just to keep her life survive, it's too make her know we together go through this and we care and love her as much as we can.

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