Paper training failure on my puppy. please help!?

2008-06-16 6:52 am
I have a 7 months old French Bulldog and I'm having hard time paper training her. I've been using paper training method on her for 2 weeks but she still does her business on the floor(the area without the paper) very often. I reall want her to have the access to the whole house when I'm not home instead of just a little area. Three days ago, I started crate her at night, I realized she eliminate like 20 mins after she eats( used to be like 1 hour or more) and she even poops on the paper that I set up for her outside.(first time) I was happy so this morning I decided to let her out of the paper training area. I put many paper on different area that I think she will possible eliminate on. But when I came home....just spent 2 hours cleaning up the whole floor. (Total 5 poops and 3 pees)
How can I heard my friend said his dog only eliminate2-3 times a day? Am I feeding her too much "puppy chow". What can I do put make her eliminate on "ONE SAME" spot every time inside the house

I go to work at 11pm get off at 9pm. This is the reason that I want her to use the paper training instead of bring her outside, or unless she wouldn't poop in this whole 10 hours. I even wake up 1-2 hours earlier to let her out of the crate coz I'm worrying that she's gonna poo in the crate. I really want to spend more time playing with her instead of cleaning up her mess.

回答 (13)

2008-06-16 6:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
i dont really get ur question
2008-06-16 7:38 am
(ADDED) Just read that you're gone a long time. If you cannot have a friend or dog walker or someone come in halfway through that time, I would consider leaving her in an exercise pen with a litterbox instead of newspapers. For dogs, you use dog litter, not cat litter. Choose the largest dog litterbox. Sometimes, puppies prefer to pee on puppy pads and poop in litterboxes... if she is like that, use the litterbox and place one large pee pad on top of the litter in a corner of the litterbox. You could also leave her in one small, puppy-proofed room... use baby gates and leave her in the kitchen with a litterbox, or in the bathroom. Leave safe toys (things she can't take apart). I would leave water but not lots, and not leave food.

If you can afford it, dog daycare is another option.

Did you just get this puppy? Why are you paper training her instead of training her to go outside?

Instead of covering your house in newspapers, SUPERVISE your puppy! ALL the time! If you cannot see her, you are not supervising well enough. Close the bedroom doors, close the bathroom door, etc. ... whatever room you are in, she needs to be in the same room so you can watch her. If you are not watching her, she needs to be crated (she should have enough space in her crate to turn around and lie down... that is ALL).

If she's sniffing around, take her out right away. If she is circling around, take her out. When she wakes up, take her out. After she eats or drinks, take her out. If she is playing hard and stops playing, take her out. If it has been a couple of hours since she's been outside, take her out. If she looks at or goes toward the door, take her out.

Decide on two words... one for peeing, one for pooping. When she's doing something, very quietly praise and tell her what she's doing ("Good girl. Good pee. Good pee. Good girl")... very calmly and quietly, because you don't want to interrupt her. When she's done, have a HUGE enthusiastic party ("YAY! GOOOOD PEE!!!") and give her a treat right then. Pretty soon, you will be able to tell her to go pee or go poop, and she will... then, you are in charge of the schedule! You will be able to begin to supervise a little less as she begins to go outside and you know when she has done what she needs to outside.

If you find a place she has gone in the house, it is too late for you to point out the mistake to her... she won't get it, and will just come to learn that you are unpredictable and unfair and dangerous. If she has an accident inside, just clean it up and realize that if you'd been supervising well enough, it wouldn't have happened. If she starts to squat and you see her, you can startle her (clap your hands or make a noise), grab her, and run outside with her so she goes there.

Keep the crate next to your bed at night. If she cries, get up and take her out. If she cries because she's unhappy to be in the crate, just put your hand down to the crate and let her settle down. If you're not sure why she's crying, TAKE HER OUT!

If she is going to be alone for more than four or five hours during the day, arrange for a friend to come over to let her out in the middle of the time, or hire someone to do this or come home yourself to do this. NO food in the crate. NO water in the crate.

The food you feed does make a difference. Poor quality food is not as useful, so more of it must be eaten and there is much more waste (so, more poops). Find a food with no corn, wheat, soy, or sorgham. Choose a food with no by-products and no digest. Choose a food with a meat meal as one of the first couple ingredients. A better food means you feed less and clean up less. Start with 25% new food with 75% old food for a couple of days, then 50% - 50% for a couple of days, then 75% new food with 25% old food for a couple of days, then all new food. If she has any trouble adjusting, go slower and add a dollop of plain unflavored yoghurt to her meals for a while.
2008-06-16 6:58 am
hmm maybe a good thing to do would be to train her to go outside instead of on paper. alhtough i suppose you dont have every minute of the day to take her outside. although usually it is the best method to take her outside after she eats and wait with her until she goes. if you train her on paper she will learn to go inside where its nice and warm and may not want to go outside when the time comes. although i am not an expert, you will probably get better answers lol
2016-10-02 3:44 pm
sturdy success coaching a clutter of week old doggies. in case you artwork it out, there are lots of people who might elect to correctly known. superb element to do at this factor is positioned paper of their section. supply them a community for sleep, and positioned paper on the different ingredient. Many doggies won't elect to flow of their snoozing section (nevertheless, somewhat, you would be stunned) so will return and forth to the paper to "flow". it somewhat isn't technically paper coaching them, however if that is molding them to apply the paper as youthful as possible. As they age, they are going to learn how to associate paper with the bathing room and that i've got had doggies at 5 weeks old run to the newspaper I lay down for my grown canines and poop or pee. Please notice that it somewhat isn't "coaching" them technically. that is forcing them to flow on the paper, it is very distinctive from coaching. i might keep away from wood pellets. doggies start up chewing at 4-5 weeks. wood pellets looks slightly risky for small doggies to be chewing on. I in basic terms positioned down some paper, a blanket, and whilst they start up teething some chunk toys.
2016-05-15 11:31 am
Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you

A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I recommend it to others. The dog training academy also has as an excellent home training course.
2008-06-16 8:31 am
my sister had the same problem with her puppy. you can usually tell when your puppy is about to pee or poop, because they will start to sniff around ALOT. just watch. when your puppy pees or poops, imediately grab the puppy and rush it to your designated potty area.soon your puppy will learn. it worked really well for my sister. DO NOT EVER rub the puppie's face in the pee or poop spot because that can lead to serious behavior issues in the future.
2008-06-16 7:13 am
Lower down the eating and drinking. French bulldogs are great dogs too. Train it to go outside and say one word like, "poop."
To make her eliminate the spot make sure to really clean it out otherwise when it smells it, she can think hey thats where i go poop or pee.
2008-06-16 7:06 am
I'd use a combination of paper and crate training. Put her in a crate when you're not able to watch her closely...take her out only when you can focus your full attention on her (but give her los of lovins). If you have to use paper, ie can't take her outside to go potty, take her to the paper to go potty, then give her play time before putting her back in the kennel.

There are many more websites that describe crate training in detail - I'd also reccommend doing a google search on it for more information.
2008-06-16 7:01 am
Your dog could be crated during the day as well. Crate training is very effective. If someone can come into your home mid day and let the dog OUTSIDE to do its business and then return it to the crate till you got home you would have no mess in the house to clean up. You will also have to go to each area in the house that the dog has eliminated (poo or pee) and clean thoroughly with vinegar. The dog is very close to the age where it should only deficate each time it eats. Feed once or twice a day will be plenty for this dog. Look at the package of dog food and it will show recommended amount to feed. Also walk the dog well before you go to work and before you put it in the crate.
2008-06-16 6:59 am
i have the same problem but with my 10 week old chihuahua
so ill stick around to see any interesting answers.

o btw my chi is pure white with crystal blue eyes she is a doll! i like sharing that lol!
2008-06-16 6:58 am
I have a 12 week old Yorkshire Terrier and I went to Petcetera with this problem and they showed me some "Puppy Pads" that are super absorbant and attract dogs to pee/poo on them. I have that on the floor with some newspapers over top of half of it and it's been working wonders with the pee. He poos on it too if it's in plain sight but if it isn't he'll just find a hiding spot and poo there.. I'm going to try and put more around the house.
Good luck :)
2008-06-16 6:58 am
Some dogs are harder to housebreak than others. Your dog wants to please you, so praise him when he does the right thing. We used the crate training method with success. Here's a link that may help
2008-06-16 6:57 am
get a empty can, fill it with coins and shake it at her every time she misbehaves. put her face in her mess so she knows what she did wrong. also, dogs hate te smell of citrus so spray some cistrus on that "ONE SPOT"
參考: persona; experience

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