[ 俚語- slang ], 請問: 你可以寫出十個英文俚語給我嗎 ?有埋句子更佳 !

2008-06-16 1:06 am
俚 語
Their conversation was full of slang.

你可以寫出十個英文俚語給我嗎 ?
有埋句子更佳 !

回答 (2)

2008-06-16 10:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
【a nut 傻瓜; 瘋子】
She's a movie nut. 她是電影迷。
【bananas 瘋狂; 狂怒】
Dad will go bananas when he sees this. 爸爸見了這可就不得了。
【bag lady 拾荒婦】
There are lots of bag ladies at Central Park. 紐約中央公園裡有許多拾荒婦。
【bad-mouth 說別人壞話】
Don't bad-mouth your mother. 不要對母親說無禮的話。
【beef up 加強】

Security needs beefing up. 保安措施需要加強。

【cool 很好; 很棒】

Hey, that's really cool. 嗨,那真好極了。

【offbeat 不跟隨時尚主流的; 非傳統的】

His style is offbeat but highly creative. 他的風格很不尋常但非常有創造力。

【dammit 該死; 他媽的; 糟了】 = damn it.

Dommit! i forgot to turn off the gas. 該死!我忘了關煤氣。

【have a cow 非常生氣】

【Nope 沒有; 不】 = No!

【tailgate 緊跟著(前車)行駛】
2008-06-18 2:02 am
Airhead (傻瓜): Don't listen to his idea, he's an airhead!
Big cheese (大粒佬): Be quiet and go back to work! Big cheese is coming!
Cloth-ears (聽覺不良 / 不留心聽說話): You have cloth-ears or what? I don't want to repeat this again and again!
Dope (毒品): Hide the dope now! The cops are here!
Egghead (聰明人 / 光頭佬): He is such an egghead! He knows all the answers!
Fat-chance (沒可能發生的事情 / 沒機會): Fat-chance! I won't clean the mess for you if you start to work on it on your own.
Gooseberry (電燈膽 / 第三者): If you two are going to spend the night kissing and cuddling on the sofa making me feel like a gooseberry, then I'm off out to the pub.
Hunk (靚仔): Peter is really a hunk!
In a bit (遲一些): Wait for me here, I will be back in a bit.
Johnny (避孕套): Oh my God! I forgot to bring johnny with me.
Kick in (開始): The drugs kicked in just as I was talking to my boss. I made a quick exit.
Lemon and lime (時間): Please hurry up! We don't have lemon and lime to waste!
Mare (女人,帶貶意) You silly mare! Why did you do that?

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