
2008-06-15 8:24 pm

如果我講 (全部都要好有禮貌的態度)

" 請問你想搵邊位? "

" 你係咪想搵XXX? "

" XXX今日唔洗返工/佢講緊電話/佢行開左 "

" 你有咩留言俾佢 ? "

" 我會叫佢盡快覆返你 "

" 請留低你的姓名 ... 聯絡電話 "

Thanks ~~~

回答 (3)

2008-06-15 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
- Good morning, may I know who do you want to talk to ?
- Are you looking for XXX?
- XXX is not in the office today / XXX is on the phone now / XXX is not in the office but he will come back very soon
- May I know if you have any message to him ?
- I will tell him to call you as soon as possible.
- Please leave your name and your contact number, please !
參考: Myself
2008-06-15 8:53 pm
1. who would you like to speak to?/ talk to?

2. you would like to speak to/ talk to/

3. he/ she is not at work/ is on the phone/ is not around

4. would you like to leave a message?

5. i ll let he/ she know / i ll pass it through / i ll ask he/ she to get back to you

6. please leave your contact numbers and name./ can i have ur numbers and names, please
2008-06-15 8:41 pm
" 請問你想搵邊位? "
Who are you calling for please?

" 你係咪想搵XXX? "
Are you calling for XXX?

" XXX今日唔洗返工/佢講緊電話/佢行開左 "
XXX is off duty today / he is on the phone / he's not here at the moment.

" 你有咩留言俾佢 ? "
Would you like to leave a message for him?

" 我會叫佢盡快覆返你 "
I'll ask him call you back soon.

" 請留低你的姓名 ... 聯絡電話 "
Please leave your name ......contact phone number.

參考: 個人意見

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