
2008-06-15 8:09 pm

回答 (2)

2008-06-15 8:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我的驕傲改篇自英文詩歌(proud of god)
據我所知係有英文先, 但因為係詩歌關係,所以唔知邊個係作曲人

原曲:我的驕傲/Proud of you
改篇: Proud of god

Pride in your eyes, 為我改寫下半生
(Love in my life , God you always in my mind)

眉目裡 找到我 失去的 自信心
(Showing me what love is , Fight away my fears)

才明白 被愛的 能活得這樣勇敢
(Sharing love in my life , God will bless me in the sky)

榮幸眼神能替我 雲上旅行來點燈
(Teaching me to fight with dark , Helping me light up my way)

*See me fly, I 'm proud to fly up high
(*Proud of god , Your love won't fall away)

不因氣壓搖擺 只因有你擁戴
(Trust you will never gone , till the end of the time)

Believe me I can fly, I'm singing in the sky
(Believe you forever , and ture love won't leave me)

假使我算神話 因你創更愉快*
(Show me the root of love , The heaven in my heart)

Pride in your eyes, 為我閃爍像最初
(Pray in the night , Wishing god you always here)

唯獨你 欣賞我 比我 更多
(When I cry make me smile , wipe away my tears)

埋頭做 願你可 能為我驕傲更多
(Hold me tight with your love , Lead me go through lonely space)

無論有誰嫌棄我 投入卻無人可阻
(Only you can raise me up , Helping me light up my faith)


我盼有一天將你抱 入懷
(Let me forget that all my pains and blues)

昂然地對著宇宙說 是借著你的風
(Bravely, turly follow the god , I' ll never change my mind)

Let me fly, I'm proud to fly up high
(Sing a song , to praise that god is love)

不因氣壓搖擺 只因有你擁戴
(Trust you will never gone , till the end of the life)

Believe me I can fly, I'm singing in the sky
(Believe you forever , and ture love won't leave me)

假使愛有奇蹟 跟你創最愉快
(Show me the best of you , The heaven in my heart)

我覺得光榮 因有你 擁戴
(Nothing can stop me , run towards my god)
2008-06-15 8:11 pm
參考: 我

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