
2008-06-15 7:54 pm
1. A sum of money is to be evenly shared among 10 persons. However, two
of them are absent, so each of the 8 attendees gets $30 more. Find the total
amount of money.

2. In a supermarket, the price of an apple is $2.5, and orange is $3. Alan got
$2 left after buying some apples. However, he would need $2 more if he
wanted to buy the same number of oranges. Find the number of apples he

回答 (2)

2008-06-15 9:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Let $y be the amount of money.

Each of the 10 persons can get $(y/10).
Each of the 8 attendees can get $(y/8).

(y/8) - (y/10) = 30
10y - 8y = 2400
y = 1200

Ans: The amount of money is $1200.

Let w be the number of apple he bought.

Cost of w apples = $2.5w
Cost of w oranges = $3w
Difference in cost = (+$2) - (-$2) = $4

3w - 2.5w = 4
0.5w = 4
w = 8

Ans: He bought 8 apples.
2008-06-15 8:46 pm
(1)The total amount of money is $1200.

(2)1 apple.

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