grade 8 piano exam

2008-06-15 7:38 pm
考試o個陣時係唔係拎咩書都得架?? 因為我有一首bach 既歌冇o係考試書入面....我就用左bach 既其中一本書'' 咁得唔得架??

grade8 piano exam 使唔使背譜的???

回答 (2)

2008-06-16 3:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
G.8 可以睇譜考試, 也可以用其他版的書考試,但一定不可以用Copy.
參考: 我的經驗
2008-06-17 6:54 pm
u cant pick the piece not in the examination book u got to choose in the list

2008-06-22 12:06:26 補充:
for abrsm piano exam u dont got to memorize the piece, but if u are taking the rcm of canada u got to memories the song if u dont memorize the song u will lost 6 points for memorize 2 points for each song

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