改善英文行動九. 希望大家盡力幫忙

2008-06-15 7:45 am

Valentine's Day

I woke up at 6:30 in order to buy some fresh rose to my girlfriend May, because it was Valentine's Day today. I thought that May would be very happy when she taked my present. Also, I already prepared a plan to celebrate Valentine's Day with May. Lastly, May and I would go to a romantic restaurant to have dinner, then asked her to marry with me.It was a perfect plan.

I dated May at 9:00 in the Happy Cinema, but she was not attending. After one hour, I still did not see her. I was afraid that she had some accidents so I phone her.

"Hey! where are you." I asked.
"I am at home, what happen?" May answered.
"Do you forget to date me on Valentine's Day?" I asked angrily.
"No! I never forget it! But, it is 13,February today." May answered.

"OH! My god!" I yelled to sky!

回答 (4)

2008-06-15 8:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
my girlfriend May, should be changed to my girlfriend, May or using other
relative clause

I thought that This usage seems to say that You think it would happen
but not may be changed to I wondered how happy was Mary...

Also, I already prepared must changed to I have already prepared or delete

celebrate Valentine's Day Should be changed to The Valentine's Day

Lastly, May Do not use Lastly in this case, you don't make any step

then asked Who asked? you have made the subject as May and I in the first

Marry with me No with.

in the Happy Cinema Should be changed to at the Happy Cinema.

but she was not attending Must be changed to She didn't attend. May can't
attending but attend. Same mistakes as arriving

one hour It os beeter to change to an hour.

she had some accidents 1. How can she has SOME accident
2. You better not use had some accidents, it seems
that She like to have accident, but using Met or Got

where are you." You should use? after you

what happen What happens or What is happening

Do you forget If you are angry you use Don't yu forget to show it is May's
responsibility to not forget

I never forget it Better to use I WOULD never forget.
參考: My brain Grammer In Use
2008-06-16 6:11 am
Can you help me?
2008-06-15 10:29 am
There are still some other mistakes that the above two havent pointed out. Please wait for some others' answers.
2008-06-15 8:44 am
Valentine's Day

I woke up at 6:30 AM/PM?? in order to buy some fresh rose to my girlfriend May, because it was Valentine's Day today. I thought that May would VERY HAPPY when she taked my present. Also, I already prepared a plan to celebrate Valentine's Day with May. Lastly, May and I would go to a romantic restaurant AND have A dinner, then ,I asked her to marry with me.It was a perfect plan.

I MET May at 9:00 in the Happy Cinema, but she was not attended. After an hour, I still did not saw her. I was afraid that she had some accidents so I phone her.

"Hey! where are you." I asked.
"I am at home, what happen?" May answered.
"Do you forget to date me on Valentine's Day?" I asked angrily.
"No! I never forget it! But, it is 13,February today." May answered.

"OH! My god!" I yelled to sky!
參考: 小小意思不成敬意

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