Canadian literature often contains protagonists who are damaged in one way or another yet still find a modicum of success and survival through their trials. The role that landscape plays can also not be underestimated or discounted in any way, as we are frequently reminded that landscape and our struggles to live within it or conquer it are significant elements to shaping the personality of the people who have settled here.
With specific reference Ann from The Painted Door, Margaret from Margaret's Museum, and Cutter from Men With Brooms, explain these characters fulfills these basic requirements as Canadian protagonists.Make certain to address the obstacle that each must overcome, how each is injured/incomplete/damaged in some way, and how the landscape (whether physical or emotional) affects each character's actions and chances. Finally, consider which character you find most admirable and now we, as readers and Canadians, are supposed to learn from these characters and apply their lessons to our lives and identity.
The Painted Door, Margaret's Museum, Men With Brooms
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