學 小提琴 一問

2008-06-14 6:47 pm
我的情況頗特別的, 我現在22y/o, 本身已考鋼琴的ATCL (pass), 好有信心sight-read 很多鋼琴的歌 (而且我對chord 的運用都好熟下), 之前又同過一d拉小提琴的人伴奏 (which is fun and easy). 我以前(14y/o左右)都有學過一年小提琴, 但可能疏於練習, 之後覺得難所以就放棄左, 依家想再學番, 我本身已懂很多基本的樂理同埋小提琴的音 (音準我自問ok, 只係技巧上的訓練不足, eg 我想學好震音, tr, 雙音等等)

a. 請問我應該從哪一級開始學小提琴呢? 現在學會否太遲??
b. 在哪裡學可以找到名師呢? (我今次真係好有心想學的)
c. 直接考小提琴八級的人多嗎? 可行嗎?
d. 有乜小提琴書啱我 at this stage?
e. 有乜小提琴啱我at this stage? (唔想太貴) (請provide 價錢同埋購買的address)
f. 考小提琴試會唔會因為小提琴本身的音質太差而fail ?? (eg. 用左d cheap ge 小提琴)
g. 題外話, 一般人 (ie. those not take music as the lifelong career, but only as interest) 在任何樂器考到八級或以上的時候會唔會continue to pursue musically related activities??? (eg. 公開比賽, 合奏, 入樂團等等), 你會有乜好介紹呢?? (pls provide website/ email address)

回答 (1)

2008-06-15 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'll try and answer as much as I can since 1) I'm not a professional 2) I don't live in HK 3) I have taught the violin for 7 years (not anymore though, need a break!)
a. I suggest having a few lessons of basic again to revise on how to hold the violin and play on the strings nice and straight. It's also good to have some basic lessons to work out how to hold the bow as there are at least 3 different schools of thoughts on it. Try out which one is the best to suit your hand.
It's never too late to start learning, especially you already have a musical background, so musical theory and all that should be easy for you. Now you need lessons on the 'physical' side of things.
b. Sorry don't know this one (not in HK)..
c. It's strongly NOT recommanded to jump to 8th grade from 1st grade!!! The violin is just like the piano, which requires skills and time to master those skills. There are tonnes of 'small tricks' that you'll need to learn (hopefully) in order to make something sounds right. For example, playing Mozart on the violin would be very different to playing Bach on the violin. They are both difficule of course, but the tricks that you do with things like trills and the bow would make a huge difference.
d. I know the 'beginner' books out there on the market would be too boring for you. Still, you'd at least need something like Suzuki Bk 1 to learn the basics. Then swap over to the exam books and learn the exam pieces. Exam pieces usually require more 'tricks' to be learnt, which would satisfy your learning desire. If you choose the right teacher, he/she should be able to supplement you with various exercises to help with the different types of bowing and fingerings. This will become more obvious when you start learning shifts and double-stops.

2008-06-14 19:42:30 補充:
e. Again, I can't comment on this. The size of the violin depends on how tall you are and how long your arm is. Usually an average adult would need a 4/4 (full size) violin. Some people with smaller hands would prefer a 7/8 size.

2008-06-14 19:43:47 補充:
Depends on how much $$ you want to spend:
Chinese made violins for students are usually cheap and not the best. They obviously don't have a very nice sound but sufficient to learn on. However, there are some good Chinese violins out there for advanced students, even for professionals!

2008-06-14 19:44:03 補充:
German made violins are more expensive, sometimes with a better sound (ONLY sometimes!) They are more expensive only because they are European. Of course, there are some really good ones out there, too - very $$$!

2008-06-14 19:44:43 補充:
f. No - the examiners are more interested in what you can actually DO on the violin. It's the tricks and technique that makes you a violinist, not the violin itself.

2008-06-14 19:45:48 補充:
g. I did my 8th grade exam 3 yrs ago, in between studying for a postgrad. degree - so I have no time to join groups, or going to lessons. I used to play in orchestras, string groups and weddings though. It's fun and I hope to do that again when I'm done with my studies.

2008-06-14 19:46:27 補充:
Hope that's answered your questions (sorry for the long answers). Feel free to ask more or send an email.

2008-06-15 19:25:59 補充:
Re: lessons - I would strong recommand you to get lessons from the Music Office rather than any 琴行. The teachers at the Music Office are a lot better trained than 琴行, who are usually very young, advanced students.

2008-06-15 19:27:14 補充:
I started viola lessons before moving overseas and got private teachers. The Music Office provide lessons to all ages. Check their web site: http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/CulturalService/MusicOffice/indexc.html

2008-06-15 19:31:42 補充:
Also check here: http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/CulturalService/MusicOffice/download/2008_omic_western_mar_c.pdf
there are violin lessons!
參考: Me, Me

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