F.3 coordinates

2008-06-14 6:40 am
Two points A(8 , –5) and B(–6 , 9) are given. If P is a point on AB such that , find AP : PB, and hence find the coordinates of P.

回答 (4)

2008-06-16 3:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
PB=(1-3/7)AB = (4/7)AB
∴ AP:PB = (3/7) : (4/7) = 3 : 4

x-coordinate of P = 8 + (-6-8)X3/7 = 8 - 6 = 2
y-coordinate of P = -5 + [9-(-5)]X3/7 = -5 + 6 = 1

The coordinates of P is (2,1)
2008-06-15 6:41 pm


So. P is (-12/5 , 24/5)

2008-06-14 11:14 pm
Your question is incomplete....愛莫能助
2008-06-14 7:31 am
There are no information about the location of the point P. How to find the ratio and coordinates?

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