show and tell 小學4年級(20分!!!)

2008-06-14 3:19 am
要做show and tell,我又唔識7仔的英文,唔好話係CJ7,呢個係長江7號=,=||

Where do you buy it?
How much do you buy it?
Who buy to you?

回答 (4)

2008-06-28 9:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案

I would like to show you my Alien Puppet, his name is "Seven". It is a character from the movie CJ7. In the movie, Stephen Chow has found Seven from a refuse ground. Seven was not hatched when Stephen found him and it looked like a toy ball. Therefore he gave it to his son to play with. Seven later on hatched to a dog-liked alien animal with super natural power. He is cute and kind hearted and saved Stephen's life.
Mum and I went shopping about two months ago at Toys R Us in Tsim Sha Tsui. I saw Seven and asked mum to buy it for me. Mum agreed and said it was a prize because I had good results from my Mathematics test. She paid one hundred dollars for it.
參考: 自己, 雖然好長, 但我用既字都好淺, 四年級應該都識晒架喇!
2008-06-29 2:04 am

this is my show and tell and is a alien toy dog
his name call "Seven" and he is from a movie
call "CJ7"

2008-06-27 2:04 am
2 one hundrend
3my mother
2008-06-21 9:04 am
長江7號果隻外星狗 = Alien Puppet from CJ7

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