
2008-06-14 1:59 am
1."he has a big lunch and then goes to sleep for a few hours"
點解唔係將has同goes改做is having同going?短暫性既野唔係要轉做ing既咩

2.sometimes often usually always never occasionally呢d字應該加係句字既邊度?

3."are you slow getting ready in the morning?"

4.MARY's 同MARYs'有咩分別?點解 ' 會放係唔同位置?

5.he's係咪可以解做he is或者he has都得?

6."....i go to the gym...."

7.有好多possible answer既就用what,好少possible answer既就用which,咁點解"which places do u want to visit?"會用which?


回答 (2)

2008-06-14 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1."he has a big lunch and then goes to sleep for a few hours"
=> because it is not really all happening in a period or moment. He first has lunch then goes sleeping. So Present Tense is ok!

2.sometimes often usually always never occasionally
=> You may add them at the beginning, middle, or the end of the sentence. but for "ofthen", "always", "never", they are most likely to appear in the middle of the sentence.
for example: I often/always/never go swimming in the holidays. Sometimes, I feel bored with my studies. My friends visit me occasionally.

3."are you slow getting ready in the morning?"
This is grammatically wrong. We don't put "slow" in front of getting! This should be "Do you get ready slowly in the morning?"
"slowly" here is used as adverb, to describe the verb (get).

4.MARY's 同MARYs'有咩分別?點解 ' 會放係唔同位置?
Mary should be a person, so there is no Marys'.
Mary's XX,,this means XX belongs to Mary. <=only one Mary
If you say XXs',,eg: cats' XX
this means the XX belongs to the cats. <= more than 1 cat.

5.he's係咪可以解做he is或者he has都得?
Yes! eg: He's doing homework.
eg: He's left the apartment.

6"I go to the gym"
This should be 係當時既情況下,呢個人去左做gym...
If you want to say呢個人成日去做gym,,should add often/always.

7. Actually, "Which-question", it should be given some choices and choose among them. "Which places do you want to visit? Causeway Bay, Library, Ocean Park or Disneyland?"

Hope I can help you=]
2008-06-14 2:00 am
Grammar 英文文法. Grammar Guide. http://www. ... 由小港高中葉博士所設計的英文文法測驗,可針對自己較不足的部分加強訓練。 Grammar Help ... 提供了很多的基本詞性及文法的句子供你去參考,讓你學習如何辨別及組合句子,對英文寫作很有幫助。
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