英文用詞問題 !?

2008-06-14 1:25 am
本人時常分不開如下用詞, 請幫忙回覆用法, 謝 !

1, do not

2, did not

3, does not

另請問如縮寫有又什麼分別呢 ? (例如 : didn't)

回答 (2)

2008-06-14 1:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
DO NOT (=Don't), DOES NOT (=Doesn't) ===> 現在式
i.e. DOES NOT 用於 HE, SHE, IT 之後 (He does not..., She does not...., It does not....)
i.e. DO NOT 用於 THEY, WE, YOU 之後......

DID NOT (Didn't) ===> 過去式
不過,過去式就唔會份He, She, It, They, We, You..
i.e. He DID NOT....
i.e. They DID NOT...
參考: 自己
2008-06-14 1:43 am
do/does 在這是一個auxiliary verb. 是與其他verb連用以構成疑問句,否定句,亦用於簡短的回答或附加問句. 即簡單現在式, 如下:

For I/You/We/They -

I look

Do I look? (疑問句)

I do not look. (否定句)

For He/She/It, 就用does/does not.

Do 屬副動詞 (auxillary verb),凡一句句子有full verb而沒有其他副動詞出現時,當我們把這句句子變成疑問句或 negatives,都要加上一個 dummy do (or does or did) 或 dummy do not (or does not or did not),換句話统說,於一句 complete sentence,當do出現是,一定同時有另一個 verb出現,而 verb to be 就不定有另一個verb 出現。

I understand. → Do you understand? or I do not understand.

I go to school everyday. → Do you go to school everyday? or I do not go to school everyday.

但 I should go there 就不可以轉成 Do you go there?,而應該用 Should I go there?因為句子中已有 should 這個 auxillary verb。

此外,在下列情况加 do (or does or did),係作加強語氣用。

I understand. → I do understand.

He wants to go. → He does want to to.
Do/Did/Does. you can use for negative meaning.

e.g.I do not like eating apple. <-- is negative meaning. But sometimes if you want to emphasize your positive meaning, you can put do in front of verb.

e.g. I do love my boyfriend.

does uses for third person.

e.g. She does not like studying. Peter does not enjoy playing card.

Did uses for third and first person, but it mentions in the past.

e.g. I did not say anything. She did not like to eat apple when she was a child.

They did not meet each other before.

2008-06-13 17:45:45 補充:




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