volume of cone..

2008-06-14 1:08 am
The volume of a metallic cone is 252cm^3. If it is melted and recasted into 2 similar cones and the ratio of the base radii of these 2 cones is 1:5, find the volume of the largest cone.

A 2cm^3

isnt it the original one is the largest one.....?

回答 (1)

2008-06-14 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
In logical sense it is. But in mathematical sence, it should only consider the two newly formed cone.

The vol. of the two newly-formed cone should be equal to the vol. of the original cone, i.e. 252cm³
As they are similar, we can apply the formula V1/V2=(l1/l2)³=1:125
Let vol. of the small cone be V
∴The vol. of the largest cone= 252-2=250cm³, which is answer D.

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