出左body check report, 但有d 睇唔明, 有無人識解

2008-06-13 11:07 pm
我媽媽做左body check
WBC白細胞總數 3.8 低於正常4.0, 但嗜中性細胞65%, 淋巴細胞28%, 單核細胞6%, 嗜酸性細胞1%, 嗜鹼性細胞0%, 那代表什麼, 嚴重嗎?
上皮細胞 講話偶見, 即係點解?

Lungs are clear and show normal pulmonary vasculature.
No hilar enlargement nor mediastinal widening detected.
the thoracic cage is intact.
the trachea is central and not displaced
both hemidiaphragms are sharp in outline and are normally situated
cardiac outline and aorta are also normal.


回答 (1)

2008-06-14 1:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
WBC白細胞=白血球, 雖然只有 3.8, 但比正常低少少唔太擔心. 因為白血球內有好多種唔同嘅細胞, 你之後嘅描述都係每種細胞嘅比重.
下面你說英文是描述肺部 x-光嘅, 肺部清晰, 冇唔妥, 正常.
參考: 我-專業腫瘤科護士

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