Passive Voice

2008-06-13 10:35 pm
請問以下的句子怎樣轉成Passive Voice?
The Urban Council reduced spending on libraries.

回答 (4)

2008-06-13 11:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
應該係:Spending on libraries was reduced by the Urban Council。
點解?passive voice 結構,其實只係原句主要動詞(即講係乜野動作o個個,如 walk,dance)之前,多左個 be 或佢o既不同變化,即係:be, is, am, are, was, were, been, being
John kicked him. => He was kicked by John.
只要主要動詞前加上 be,將主要動詞本來o既形態(呢句係 past tense)套用於 be 度(咁 be 就變成 was),再將主要動詞變成 past participle,同埋 subject object 換位,咁就成句變成 passive。多個例子,留意動詞 tense 變化:
The dog is barking at Simon. => Simon is being barked at (by the dog).(is 不變,只係加左 be,佢繼承左 barking o既 ing,而 barking 則變成過去分詞 barked)
睇返你o個句,be 加於 reduced 之前,變成 was,但 reduce 變成過去分詞,都係 reduced,所以係 was reduced。spending [on libraries] 係 gerund,係全句o既 object,所以冇野轉。因此就得出答案o個句。
2008-06-13 11:55 pm
The Urban Council reduced spending on libraries.
Passive Voice:
The spending on libraries was reduced by the Urban Council.
2008-06-13 11:54 pm
passive voice:
Spending on libraries was reduced by the Urban Council.

2008-06-13 16:51:01 補充:
大區君: I agree with hkwaddle君, passive voice 若正確, 是可以一字不變轉回 active voice 之句子, 但你加咗個 the 字響 spending on libraries 之前, 一轉回 active voice 會同原句有出入
2008-06-13 10:41 pm
The libraries spending was reduced by the Urban Council.

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