
2008-06-13 7:15 pm

回答 (8)

2008-06-13 8:50 pm
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你好!我叫Kibby,是去年的中五畢業生,我喜歡看旅遊雜誌,想跟其他人分享我的旅遊知識,所以我想當一位導遊 .
Hi, my name is Kibby, form five graduate last year.
I am very fond of reading traveling magazines and wish to share my knowledge about traveling with others. I therefore wanted to be a tourist guide.
參考: self
2008-06-15 7:36 pm
Hi! I am Kibby, who was a F.5 graduate last year. I love reading travel magazine and would like to share my knowledge about traveling with others. And so I would like to be a tour guide.
2008-06-14 10:12 am
Hi! I'm Kibby. I graduated from F.5 last year. I love reading travel magazines, and I would like to share my touring knowledge to everyone, so i wish to be a tourist guide.
2008-06-13 11:23 pm
Hello, my name is Kibby. I was a Form 5 graduate last year. I like to read travel magazines. In addition, I am eager to share my travel knowledge with others. Therefore I would like to become a tour guide.
參考: Me, hope it helps
2008-06-13 8:53 pm
Hi, my name is Kibby. I am a graduated student from Form 5 last year. I like to read travel magazines. I would like to become a tour guide, so I can share my travel knowledge with other people.
2008-06-13 8:04 pm
Hello! I call Kibby, was last year's five graduates, I liked reading the traveling magazine, wanted to share my traveling knowledge with other people, therefore I wanted to work as a tour guide
2008-06-13 7:47 pm
Hello! I called Kibby, last year's Secondary Five graduates, I like to look at travel magazines, other people would like to share my knowledge of tourism, so I want to be a tour guide
2008-06-13 7:23 pm
Hello! My name is Kibby, I was graduated from Form Five last year, I liked reading the traveling magazine and share my traveling knowledge with other people, therefore I want to be a tour guide as my career.

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