
2008-06-13 10:24 am
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1) good manners elp everyone have fun . people with good manners are kind and polite to others.

2_)half the fun of top moel is watching the egos clash. but the story behind the show newest winner. mary is packe with more deama than any reality catfight . when she was growing up in china . here dad worked three jobs to help fund mary dream of modeling


回答 (4)

2008-06-13 7:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這兩段英文中的許多字都拼漏了一些字母, 要靠猜
good manners help everyone have fun . people with good manners are kind and polite to others.
1. 有禮貌的人使旁人感到愉快. 所謂有禮貌的人, 就是對人親切有禮.
half the fun of top model is watching the egos clash. but the story behind the show's newest winner, mary, is packed with more drama than any reality catfight . when she was growing up in china . her dad worked three jobs to help fund mary's dream of modeling

2. 觀看超模大賽, 最有趣是看著那些人自視甚高的人如何互相衝突, 單看這些, 觀眾已認為值回一半票價.
不過, 新一季超模大賽優勝者 MARY 的現實生活, 比鏡頭前眾女勾心鬥角還更精采. MARY 在中國長大, 她的父親打三份工, 就只為圓愛女的模特夢.

2008-06-14 2:04 am
Yokoliuty的譯文, 既精湛又簡樸, 確實是"譯林" 高手, 真令我佩服!
2008-06-14 12:12 am



觀看超級模特兒大賽,最有趣是看著那些參賽者如何勾心鬥角,設法淘汰對手。不過, 在最新一季超模大賽中,在中國長大的優勝者瑪琍,她的父親,為求一圓愛女當模特兒的夢想,不辭勞苦,每天打著三份工,全力在背後支持女兒的真人真事,真的比鏡頭前看眾女勾心鬥角,更加令人感動。
參考: 我。希望對你有用。
2008-06-13 7:55 pm
1 )良好的禮儀環境法方案,大家有樂趣。人民有良好的風度是一種禮貌和對他人的。

2_ )一半的樂趣頂端moel是看自我衝突。但背後的故事顯示最新贏家。瑪麗是packe更多deama比任何現實catfight 。當她成長在中國。爸爸在這裡工作3個職位,以協助基金瑪麗的夢想建模

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