Any LV in Lafayette in Paris or Nice?

2008-06-13 8:16 am
As you know, there is currently 10% rebate when shopping in Lafayette. But do you know if there is LV counter in Lafayette in Paris or Nice?

what about Lafayette in Nice? any ideas? Due to certain reasons, I need to go to Paris first and leave from Nice. So, it's better to buy in Lafayette in Nice and rather than Paris....=) Many many thanks!

回答 (3)

2008-06-13 10:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, there is 5 branches of LV shops in Paris. Lafayette branch is one of them. You can find the LV in the ground floor of Galarie Lafayette in Boulevard Haussmann. But be reminded that this branch will be closed on Sundays
There is also one branch in Nice. Here is the address
LV Nice
2, avenue de Sude, 06000 Nice.
It's located in the heart of Nice. Near to Promanade des Anglais
參考: living in Paris for 1 year before + personal travel experience
2008-06-18 2:15 am
Don't expect to get the 10% discount for LV bags. It is only available for Lafayette card holders and HSBC Platinum Card holders at certain Lafayette counters.

You will get your normal tax rebate for 12% though.

Of course there are LV shops in Nice.

2008-06-17 18:19:30 補充:
Buy at your last stop. LV standardizes all prices nationwide.
2008-06-13 8:24 am
there is an LV at Lafayette in Paris

2008-06-13 11:46:38 補充:
i dun think there is any LV in Lafayette Nice. There's only store is at 2, avenue de Sude, Nice. (contrary, it's stated that there is LV in Lafayette Paris according to the LV official page)
參考: myself

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