Are your emotions slowly eating you up..?

2008-06-12 7:26 pm

回答 (16)

2008-06-12 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案

my emotions run wild once in a while
i have no control over them as
they seem to take control over me
they are what makes me the human
i am today without them i wouldn't be
and when they eat me up .......... slowly
i try and join them so that it could be over ........ faster ~
參考: solitaire
2008-06-13 2:31 am
they are so eating me i am in love with two men how can that be
2008-06-13 2:30 am
2008-06-13 4:29 pm
it used to but not now
2008-06-13 7:37 am
once i started to figure things out when i was like 1 yes
2008-06-13 4:11 am
my emotions are not slowly eating me up. never let them get the best of you.
2008-06-13 2:47 am
Very slowly -I'm not easily digestible!
2008-06-13 2:45 am
At some point i thought i'd ended, but i came right back stronger because of them :)♥
2008-06-13 2:34 am
Their nibbling away at my soul and pooping all over my heart.
2008-06-13 2:31 am
Yes, sometimes...

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