
2008-06-12 5:46 pm

回答 (2)

2008-06-16 6:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這個要視乎你是ㄧ個怎樣的人, 如果你是ㄧ個願意對自己負責的人, U比A難取, 相反, 你你會覺得A比較易取.

我覺得如果願意花點時間讀書, 明白會考的內容, 拿A絕對不難. 但如果連最簡單和最基本的內容也不了解, 也不願意作答(向另外一位的回答), 拿U也絕對不難.

努力讀書吧! 不付出是沒有收穫的, 有收穫的時候, 你有的開心, 絕對比你去玩所得到的開心多百倍以上!
2008-06-12 6:21 pm
for comparison, getting A is more difficult than getting U.
you must do well if you want to get A grade.
but it is easy to get U.
the way is that you just write down your name.
then you write nothing on the paper.
you will certainly get an U grade.
but don't try . haha.

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