Don't you just love Yahoo Answers?
i mean seriously!! i love all of the people on here, especially the Polls & Survey people, you guys rock! Go Yahoo Answers!
回答 (12)
oh yea its fun , and all my contacts are great to,and there are some vary interesting people on hear,with interesting question and answers...
I love Y!A and love you too...
Yeah. I just made my account in May and its helped me alot!! I also just started asking questions. I didn't belive how quickly they got answered.
Yes! You rock too! Feel free to add me as a contact! I'm definitely adding the questioner! I love Taylor Swift too!
i love it..i stopped getting emails, though.
Yeah! so awsome...go on her everyday for most part.!!
Oh yes, and nothing beats the violations, trolls and suspensions! (:
Hehe, FINE- I agree with you though!
GO P&S â¥
收錄日期: 2021-05-01 10:39:43
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