Help!Math Problem?

2008-06-11 3:30 pm
x^-3=27/64 what does x equal?

回答 (9)

2008-06-11 3:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
x^3 = 64/27 = (4/3)^3
2008-06-11 10:34 pm
Therefore, ....1/x^3 = 27/64
Hence,....x = cube root of 64 / cube root of 27
x = 4/3.......Thats simple !!
參考: my brain...!
2008-06-11 10:44 pm
x^-3 = 27/64
1/x^3 = 27/64
x^3 = 1/(27/64)
x^3 = 64/27
x = ³√(64/27)
x = 4/3
2008-06-11 10:40 pm
2008-06-11 10:37 pm
2008-06-11 10:37 pm
x^-3 = 27/64
= (27/64)^(-1/3)
= [(1/3)/(1/4)]
= 4/3
2008-06-11 10:35 pm
x^-3 = 27/64

x^-3 = 1/x^3 = 27/64

x^3 = 64/27

x = 4/3 = 1.33333*
2008-06-11 10:38 pm
if it's to the (-3) power than the answer should be 19683/262144

if it was to the 3rd power the answer is 3/4
2008-06-11 10:34 pm
lol. wow what are you a rocket scientist!?!?! good luck! i would guess x would be 5

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