
2008-06-12 7:27 am
他工作主動性很高 ,

回答 (1)

2008-06-12 8:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
He is pretty much proactive at work, where we find his supportive and efficient to accomplish all tasks particularly in problem solving of system administration and internet technology.

2008-06-12 00:36:53 補充:
另外一個選擇 :

He is pretty much proactive at work, where we find his supportive and efficient finding solutions to solve problems in system administration and internet technology.

2008-06-12 00:40:43 補充:
在第二個選擇中, "find" 重複太煩太悶.. 改為 ... determining solutions
參考: me, me, me

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