
2008-06-12 5:25 am
故事內容係講史力加係一隻住係森林沼澤入面的綠色怪物,他喜歡自己一個人生活,禁止任何人來. 有一日,一大班童話故事既人物入左佢既沼澤,打擾佢既寧靜既生活. 之後佢發現,原來係皇帝將佢地安置係果度.於是佢就同佢朋友--驢友 ,一齊搵皇帝Farquaad想攞番個沼澤.咁岩皇帝搵緊個人去救費安娜公主做老婆. (而佢係被一條噴火龍看守住囚禁既.) 於是同史力加交換條件, 當史力加救到費安娜公主之後, 就畀番個沼澤佢.
結果畀佢救到, 而驢友同條龍鍾意左對方.而係回程中史力加同費安娜亦都鍾意左對方.不過史力加唔知費安娜原來係夜晚會變成同史力加差唔多樣既怪物.之後佢地有誤會, 費安娜亦都就黎要嫁畀皇帝
最後史力加係Farquaad同費安娜既婚禮度, 救走費安娜, 冰釋前嫌 大團圓結局

唔該用d簡單既英文 我英文好差

回答 (1)

2008-06-16 6:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
The movie Shrek is not an ordinary fairy tale. We can see some familiar characters in the movie such as Pinocchio and Three Little Pigs.

Shrek is a big green orge. Perfectly content just living alone in his swamp and forbid anyone from visiting him. One day, a group of fairy tale characters entered his swamp and disturbed his peaceful life. He later on discovered that it was the King who arranged for them to move there. Therefore he called for his friend, the Donkey, to ask the King Farquadd to give his swamp back. Meanwhile , Farquaad wanted to marry Princess Fiona who is being trapped in a tower guarded by the fire breathing Dragon. Shrek then took an oath to rescue Princess Fiona in return for getting the swamp back.

In the event, Shrek saved Princess Fiona successfully. Donkey and Dragon fall in love with each other and on their way back, Shrek and Fiona fall in love too. However Shrek did not know that Fiona turns into an orgress at night, and because of this, there have been some misunderstanding between them. Fiona is therefore preparing to marry Farquaad.

At Farquaad and Fiona;s wedding, Shrek came to rescue Fiona and they have finally understood each other and live happily ever after.
參考: Myself

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