朋友?網友?一切都不見了 還可以如何??

2008-06-12 1:52 am
我平時好小朋友 但係我網友都ok多 大家唔會見面唔會 sms 什麼的 但係大家咩都傾得 咩都講得 但係突然發現 朋友不見得可以一世 網友更加難 唉~~~~~現在無人理我了 好灰 唉~~~~

回答 (3)

2008-06-12 2:04 am
Please dont rely on the virtual communication. It is not realistic at all. Having real life communication and socail life is essential both for personal growth and building up networking for future.

Otherwise, you will feel afraid and find difficult to talk with each other in real life. Emotional expresion is one of the vital elements that virtual communication cannot be provided but in real life communication.

I advise you to have more social life and join more social activites.

Dont be the tram boy! Dont you know the news about a man killing people because he feels very boring in his life. It is very horrible and exactly shown what a vital examples that internet communication drawbacks was.
2008-06-12 1:57 am
2008-06-12 1:56 am
參考: @@

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