icy water & boiling water [urgent!]

2008-06-12 12:39 am
Consider the icy water (at 0 oC) in a glass and the boiling water (at 100 oC) in a pot heated by a hot plate.
(a)The icy water in the glass and the boiling water in the pot gain energy continuously. What happens to their temperatures? Explain briefly. (3 M)

(b)Assume that the rates of energy transferred to the icy water and to the boiling water are the same. Which one, the icy water or the boiling water, will change its state more in the same period of time? Explain your answer briefly. (4 M)


其實我唔係好明icy water同 boiling water 即係點.,..

回答 (2)

2008-06-16 11:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(a) their temp. will first remain at constant as there is latent heat of fusion and vapourization, energy provided will be used to change their state. Then, their temp. will rise gragually after the icy water changed to complete water and boiling water to steam.

(b) the icy water will change its state first, because icy water will undergo latent heat of fusion ( 3.34 x 10^5) and boiling water will undergo latent heat of vapourization ( 2.26 x 10^6). latent heat of fusion is smaller than latent heat of vapourization, thus icy water will change its state more in the same period of time with same energy supplied.

icy water is the state of water between solid and liquid ( at 0oC) , and boiling water is the state of water between liquid and gas ( at 100oC).

while steam is 100oC or above and ice is 0oC or below
參考: me
2008-06-12 9:35 am
icy water 姐係melting ice 姐係等於 零度
而boiling water.. 好明顯就睇得出..佢係100度啦

咁stream 呢..正常黎講佢ge溫度係高過boiling water
因為佢有ge energy係多過boiling water.
(因為轉state 要好大energy )
參考: 我-0-

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